Publication 4: The rise and fall? of call of duty zombies.

Aidan Sanders
3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Part 4: Black ops 2

Hello, and welcome to the fourth installation of my in-depth series of anything call of duty zombies related. Today I am diving into the history of call of duty black ops 2, what it did right and wrong, and how well it did in the zombies community.

Map 1: Tranzit

The first map of black ops 2 was “Tranzit” and was set in Hanford Washington in the '70s. Tranzit is one of the most hated zombies maps of all time and for good reason. This map added something that no other zombies map had before it, which is transportation that you need to use to cross the map. The main transportation of this map was a bus that moved on its own and was hated amongst the zombies community. There were lava and fog that made it hard to traverse the map without the use of the bus, and if you didn't take the bus you get burned in the fire and/or get your eyes clawed out by little denizens in the fog. The wonder weapon in this map is a chore to build and breaks if it is used too much, and the boss is an annoying electric man called the Avogadro that shocks you until you kill him. Pack a punch is almost impossible to get on solo and also a chore. Overall this map has zero redeeming qualities and an awful start to black ops 2.

map 2: Die Rise

Unfortunately “Die Rise” is no better than Tranzit and in my opinion, a lot worse. While Tranzit was a big map in terms of width, Die Rise is a big map in terms of height. Die Rise is set in a skyscraper and uses elevators that move up and down randomly to traverse the map. The wonder weapon of this map is the sliquidier, which makes the player and the zombies slip around and makes it easy to slip off the map. The special round on this map is jumping jacks which hop around and gives you a free perk if you have 100% accuracy. This map also added whos who, which is a perk that gave you a second chance to revive yourself when you go down. Overall, this map was not at all well received by the zombies community and is still one of the most hated maps.

map 3: Mob of the Dead

Unlike the previous maps “Mob of the Dead” is one of the best maps ever created. The map takes place in Alcatraz prison and features a crew of four mobsters. The wonder weapon of the map is the blunder gat that is a shotgun and can turn into the acid gat. The boss of the map is a warden named Brutus who can lock down parts of the map. the pack a punch is located on the golden gate bridge that you have to build a plane to get to. In this map, the way you turn on the power is in after-life mode, where you can show power boxes. Overall, this map is universally loved by the community.

Unfortunately, that is all for today's post. Two of the first three maps were awful, so it's not exactly a great start for black ops 2 but the final 2 maps are absolutely amazing and I can't wait to get to them. Please come back next week for the next installation of my series.

